Attack on Titan has just aired a new trailer for The Final Season Part 4, the seemingly endless continuation of the last bits of the source material leading up to a controversial finale.
It’s only 30 seconds long, but does feature some new footage that fans will want to see.
As ever, things are getting a little weird in the final days here (bird guy?). I say “final” very loosely here, as technically the “final” season of the show began in December of 2020 and it’s still going through additional parts today. I suppose that makes some amount of sense given that the show originally began in April 2013, and it was four years between seasons 1 and 2. Now, a decade later, we may finally finish four seasons of the show. Not exactly the tightest anime release schedule I’ve ever seen. It’s probably one of the worst, honestly.
The trailer, despite being new, only continues to offer a release date tease rather than a specific one. Once again, it’s just Fall 2023, which is probably somewhere between September 1 and November 31 if I had to guess.
This is not really even Part 4, it’s Season 4, Part 3, Part 2, as the last part was divided in half itself, like splitting the atom as we get deeper and deeper into this strange process of the show attempting to end. Is this really the final, final ending of the series after ten years and four-split final season? Supposedly yes, but at this point I am going to need to see it to believe it.
Attack on Titan is likely to go down as an all-time great anime series, despite the weird scheduling. I am sure Netflix is already planning a live-action adaptation of it. I am joking, but…perhaps only half joking, given what else Netflix has done with a host of other classic anime series. Replacing Attack on Titan as perhaps the most mainstream anime after this is probably Demon Slayer, if it hasn’t replaced it already, which is on a much more regimented schedule of release, and even had a big box office for an interim movie it did a while back.
So, we’ll know more soon, and hopefully get a firm release date shortly. Stay tuned.
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