We’re used to thinking about robots has metal boxes with rigid steel arms and legs – the kind of things you would see in a 1980s movie – not in the average home or business space. But that’s quickly changing. We’re starting to embrace the idea of ‘soft robotics,’ where robots have softer contours, more intuitive shells and more aesthetic familiarity for humans, and that might in turn make them more likely to appear in a natural environment near you. Here’s a paper on soft robotics that notes how the industry has changed since the 1950s; authors write: “Scientists have…

This Side Hustle Spotlight Q&A features Cathryn Lavery, founder of BestSelf Co., a planner and conversation card deck company that sold $45 million in product before it was acquired in 2022. Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Image Credit: Courtesy of BestSelf Co. Cathryn Lavery.When did you move…

Entrepreneurial dreams are only far-fetched until they come true. This proved true for Think Greek, a family-owned Greek restaurant in Port St. Lucie, Florida, that started as a food truck and has since won “Best Bite” on Food Network’s Best Bite in Town. General manager Rosanne Leo attributes the restaurant’s…

From listening to any kind of survey of what people are talking about in AI right now, we know that privacy is important. And that’s an understatement. Time and time again, we hear people talking about how they can implement a certain kind of AI system, but they’re worried about…

For any entrepreneur looking to build a successful business, a grasp of the types of capital available to enterprises is indispensable. Here, we’ll explore the types of capital generally available along with their pros and cons, strategic considerations and common mistakes associated with them. The result is a starter kit…

Building a brand as an entrepreneur is a fickle business. Even I, a professed expert in brand explosion, have a hard time understanding my value proposition. A good friend told me that creating your brand is like being a pickle in a pickle jar. When we are in a pickle…

If there is one thing founders can count on while fundraising, it’s this: You’re going to hear the word “no” a lot from investors.But contestants on this episode of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch are undeterred by that harsh reality and show up with their game faces on, determined to turn those…

A judge in the UK High Court has directed prosecutors to consider bringing criminal charges against computer scientist Craig Wright, after ruling that he lied “extensively and repeatedly” and committed forgery “on a grand scale” in service of his quest to prove he is Satoshi Nakamoto, creator of bitcoin.In a…

Brands hiring influencers for paid partnerships has become a lucrative avenue for content creators, allowing them to monetize their influence. These partnerships offer influencers the opportunity to collaborate with brands that align with their niche, creating authentic and engaging content that promotes products or services. As the influencer marketing industry…

Elon Musk said he is moving more of his business empire to Texas. Musk-run X and SpaceX will shift their corporate headquarters to the Lone Star State from California, he wrote in a series of posts on X on Tuesday. He didn’t provide a timeline for the move, but he…

The Northern Lights—also known as the aurora borealis—may become visible in the early hours of Wednesday in northern U.S. states as the after-effects of a “halo CME” arrive at Earth. The fabulous natural phenomenon results from the solar wind, charged particles from the sun accelerating down the magnetic field lines…

While many businesses value accessibility in principle, implementing it in specific ways that benefit both your customers and your business can feel daunting. Online presence, in particular, is an area where accessibility is often overlooked. One study found that 95% of websites fail to conform to accessibility standards required by…




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