Looking for Thursday’s Strands hints, spangram and answers? You can find them here: The time has come, dearest Strandastarians, to talk of many things. Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax, of cabbages and kings. It’s also my last day writing Strands guides for the next couple weeks. I’ll be in April! Now let’s uncover some words. I hope you all have a lovely spring weekend! Strands is the newest game in the New York Times’ stable of puzzle games. It’s a fun twist on classic word search games. Every day we’re given a new theme and then tasked with uncovering…
There’s a big difference between an employee completing tasks and one taking full ownership of their work. One is engaged, and the other is invested. An engaged employee meets expectations, follows instructions and completes the job. An invested employee looks beyond the task, asks why it matters and seeks ways…
Looking for Tuesday’s Strands hints, spangram and answers? You can find them here: Strands is the newest game in the New York Times’ stable of puzzle games. It’s a fun twist on classic word search games. Every day we’re given a new theme and then tasked with uncovering all the…
Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett’s famous New York Times op-ed titled, “Buy American. I Am.,” which he wrote after stocks crashed and a recession was taking hold in October 2008, is going viral again this week.When stocks fell in 2008, Warren Buffett wrote an article called “Buy American.…
If your email marketing campaign isn’t doing well, it’s not that email is old. Your strategy likely needs improvement. A typical professional gets more than 120 email messages each day. This means your email campaign must compete not only with other marketing emails but also with social media updates, company…
My first article on three books that helped me pass the $100K mark was very introspective, and I love the books showcased in that article — they truly changed my life. I still listen to them often; they never get old, and I learn new things each time.But, fair warning,…
Looking for Monday’s Wordle hints, clues and answer? You can find them here: St. Patty’s Day has come and gone. I hope everyone had a fun time celebrating (but not too much fun!) I made a Shepherd’s Pie and we watched L.A. Confidential which isn’t exactly a St. Patty’s Day…
Thirty-six percent of U.S. adults have a side hustle, and if you’re one of them, you might use the extra money made to cover essential bills, save for retirement or take a vacation.There are a number of different side hustles and reasons for starting them, but there’s one thing that…
More than half (52%) of U.S. adults now use artificial intelligence large language models like ChatGPT and Gemini, making LLMs one of the fastest-adopted technologies in history, according to a new survey from Elon University.The rise in AI technologies comes at a time when many Americans are looking to boost…
What may happen after you go through COVID-19 remains a standing concern. There’s certainly the risk of getting any of the common but often hard-to-deal-with long COVID symptoms like fatigue, muscle aches, breathlessness, headaches, difficulty thinking and alterations in taste listed on the World Health Organization website. But there’s also…
Larkin Combs was always a hard worker. During his childhood summers, while his friends went to the Jersey Shore, he worked on his grandparents’ farm in Georgia. “Ten hours a day, from when I was seven until my teenage years,” he says.He eventually spent 25 years as a police officer…
Being a high-profile professional athlete means living under constant scrutiny, with a billion-dollar industry built around analyzing your every move. From tabloids to talk shows to tweets, sports content is almost impossible to escape.Have a bad game? Certain media members are licking their lips. A playoff dud? You’ll be dodging…
Apple’s weak AI efforts were highlighted this week with an announcement that some Apple Intelligence improvements to Siri are being delayed until 2026. This failure to deliver on features presented in the WWDC 2024 keynote has seen noted Apple commentator John Gruber serve a blistering takedown of Apple’s efforts to…
Small and medium-sized business (SMB) owners navigate numerous responsibilities, and tax obligations are an essential aspect of managing a successful operation. Although many entrepreneurs view tax season as a challenge, integrating tax planning into an existing financial routine can ease the pressure for SMBs. Understanding small business tax requirements and…
Today, we live in a mobile-first world. Experts forecast that this year, more than 70% of internet users will depend exclusively on mobile devices for online access. In fact, 40% of 18 to 34-year-old consumers in the U.S. have no way to access online content except via their smartphones. That…
When people contact me with questions about executive branding, also often referred…
It’s the era of the side hustle, and if you’ve ever considered…
In case you missed Sunday’s NYT Mini, you can find the answers…
The ecommerce landscape never ceases to amaze, with new trends changing the…